How to wear a lapel flower?

Publié le : 11/09/2016 17:27:57
Catégories : CONSEILS

How to wear a lapel flower?
The lapel flower, or boutonniere, which used to be set aside for special events such as weddings or christenings, is now blossoming all over gentlemen's jacket. Like a discreet reminder of elegance, the lapel flower shows that you care about small details when you dress. Nevertheless, for those who are still hesitating, you will find below the answers to all the questions you may have on how to wear this chic small accessory.

Lapel Flower Boutonniere

Where does the lapel flower come from?

If men have been wearing ornaments on their jacket for a long time, a military tradition, the custom of the lapel flower in itself comes from the Victorian era. Legend has it that on the wedding day of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, she offered him a small bouquet of flowers to celebrate the event. Delighted by this gesture, he created a small hole in his lapel to be able to wear it. What a romantic this Albert. If it's not necessary to go to such extremes, as most jackets now have a lapel hole for this accessory, to wear a lapel flower simply shows that you have good taste. An always great quality.

A flower, isn't it a bit too feminine?

Feminine, masculine, such straitjackets. No, a lapel flower doesn't give you the look of a man who just stole his favourite grand aunt's brooch but shows a self-confidence and a know how on how to wield elegance and panache. And if Cary Grant or James Bond (whether he is played by Sean Connery or Daniel Craig) have worn one, who would we be to doubt this accessory?

Boutonniere Lapel Flower

How to wear it?

For the handmade lapel flowers, two ways to wear this accessory exist: when you pick your lapel flower into your jacket, you can either show the end of the rod or not at all. This choice is entirely up to you and to your jacket. Regarding the size of the lapel flower, once again it's all a question of personal taste. If you have doubts, go to a smaller size which will fit discreetly on your jacket, without overshadowing the rest of your outfit.
Lapel Flower Boutonniere

When can I wear it?

Always! Only used for a long time for special occasions, the lapel flower comes from a long custom that had the purpose of showing your social rank. The lapel flower is now starting to be democratized and is now worn by gentlemen who want to add a little je ne sais quoi to their outfits. If you're still hesitating about the lapel flower, use this accessory for an informal event, like a date or a dinner with friends. You'll see soon enough realize that you can wear it daily, with all the confidence of a real male.

Can you wear a lapel flower with a pocket square?

Yes! A jacket is naked without a pocket square, and it should be a staple in one's closet. If you want to wear it with a lapel flower, we do have some advice: pick a discreet lapel flower if your pocket square isn't, and vice-versa. A lapel flower can also be a nice alternative to a pocket square if you don't want to wear one. In that case, pick a bigger and more out there lapel flower.

What colours should I pick for my lapel flower?

The lapel flower is a small accessory, that can easily bring a splash of colour to a sober outfit. To wear a flashy color is one of the big trends of this Fall, and the stylish and yet shy gentlemen may find their happiness in a lapel flower. If you're wearing a dark suit, whether it's navy blue, black or grey, with a white pocket square, you may pick any colour that your heart desires. If your outfit has more colours, you should pick a lapel flower flower that has the colour of your tie, your shirt, your pocket square or even your jacket. In doubt, pick neutral colours such as beige or navy blue. .

Boutonniere Lapel Flower

Our last advices :

  • Wear your lapel flower on the left side, close to your heart. Most jackets now have a lapel hole to slip your lapel flower into. If that's not the case, a seamstress will be able to do it quickly for you.
  • If the lapel flower seems inappropriate to you, why not wear a silk knot cufflink in your jacket's lapel? Chic and discreet, it will shows that your good taste.
  • Have fun! Menswear is becoming more and more diversified and now ffers several opportunities to express oneself. To hell with avarice, and ornate your jacket with a pocket square and a lapel flower, you'll be quite the dapper gentleman.

If you're unsure of your choice of lapel flower, our team is always here to help.